Libertarian commentary and tea :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I hereby request all Libertarians to recognize group rights

That's right!

"I hereby request all Libertarians to recognize group rights"


Because groups do have rights as well, and not just individuals.

If you're a libertarian, and don't think groups have rights, or that those rights should sometimes trump individual rights, then I want you to stop calling yourself a libertarian, because that term is a word for a group of people, and if you really believe the individual should have ultimate power, then you don't need the label.

I on the other hand do. And I want to see it grow. So we have to get rid of that fringe in the party, make them realize that they aren't really libertarian at all if they can't see the value and freedom that can and does come with group rights.


That said. Group rights certainly do not ALWAYS trump Individual rights. And nor do Individual rights ALWAYS trump Group rights.

So find the balance. Be the change. Do whatever it is that will allow you to see libertarians in this light, and demonstrate this if you are a libertarian yourself.


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